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Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Drama 4 orang dalam bahasa inggris tema "In The Restaurant"

 Hai, aku baru disini :)
Buat yang punya tugas buat drama bahasa inggris di restoran kayaknya bisa pake punya aku, semoga bisa membantu :)


“In The Restaurant”

Andi : Hi Meila, Bulan I’m bored. Let’s go somewhere.
Bulan       : Yes, me too. But where we will go?
Meila       : How if we go to restaurant? There is a new restaurant beside our school. It is “Secret Garden”
Andi : Wow, great.  I’m agree, how about you, Bulan?
Bulan       : I’m agree! Let’s go!

In “Secret Garden” restaurant~~~

Waitress  : Good morning, welcome to “Secret Garden” Can I help you?
Bulan              : Yes, of course
Waitress  : Do you want to eat in here?
Meila             : Sure, we will eat in here
Waitress  : Okay, please take a seat
Andi        : How if we sit in here, Meila, Bulan?
Meila             : Sure
Waitress  : Here is the menu, our special menu today is “Cheese Steak”.
Andi        : I’ll order it and one soda
Bulan              : I’ll order a spaghetti and one lemon tea
Meila             : I’ll order one grilled fish and one lemon tea
Waitress  : Okay, your order is one cheese steak, one spaghetti, one soda and two lemon tea. Anything else?
Bulan       : Is there any dessert?
Waitress  : Of course, you can see in this page.
Bulan       : Okay, hmm I’ll order one cupcake, how about you Andi, Meila?
Andi        : I’ll order one chocolate pudding
Meila       : Hmm...I’ll order one ice cream
Waitress  : Do you want some fruit?
Bulan       : Sure, I’ll order a banana
Andi        : I’ll order a grape
Meila       : I’ll order an orange
Waitress  : Okay, I’ll repeat what will you order is, one cheese steak, one spaghetti, one grilled fish, one soda, two lemon tea, one cupcake, one chocolate pudding, one ice cream, a banana, a grape and an orange.
Andi        : Yes, that’s right
Waitress  : Please wait, we will make your order.
Bulan       : Thank you.
Andi        : Have you ever go here, Meila?
Meila             : Yes I've ever go here with my brother
Bulan              : When and for what?
Meila       : Last week, I came here with my brother to celebrate his birthday. He’s treat me
Andi        : Just the two of you?
Meila             : Yes, my parents didn't go because they were work
Bulan              : Oh, what did you order?
Meila       : I ordered grilled beef, tea, cheesecake and my brother ordered special fried rice, orange juice, brownies and we both ordered apples.
Andi        : That’s great, but why you didn't invite us? Haha just kidding
Meila       : Sorry, I forgot.
Bulan       : By the way, did you go here when grand opening?
Meila       : Yes, and we got discount 50% for each food that we ordered.
Andi        : Did you got a coupon? I heard if we eat in here and we spent Rp. 50.000 or more we will get one coupon
Meila       : Yes, i got it. I got one coupon because I spend Rp. 79.000,-
Andi        : Hmm.. by the way, Who will pay the order?
Bulan       : I’ll treat you guys
Meila       : Really? Thank you Bulan!
Andi        : Yeah, thank you so much. You're really the best friend ever!
Bulan       : Haha don’t mention it
Meila       : Hmmm... I love the panorama in this restaurant.
Andi        : Yeah, me too. The air is so fresh.
Bulan       : Of course, that’s why the name of this restaurant is “Secret Garden”
Meila       : You’re right, Bulan. I’m agree with you
Waitress  : Hello, this is your order here is one cheese steak, one spaghetti, one grilled fish, one soda and two lemon tea. Wait a minute I’ll take the dessert and the fruits
Andi        : Sure
Waitress  : Here it is one cupcake, one chocolate pudding, one ice cream, a grape, a banana and an orange
Bulan              : Thank you
Waitress  : You’re welcome, enjoy
Andi        : Hmm.. It’s so delicious, isn’t it?
Meila             : You’re right
Bulan       : Come on eat, don’t talk while you're eating because you're going to choke
Meila             : Okay, Bulan

After Eat~~~

Bulan       : Hmm, it’s so good. Do you like it Meila, Bulan?
Andi        : Of course Bulan. And thanks for treat us!
Waitress  : Here is the Bill
Bulan       : Thank you, Meila and Andi wait in here, okay? I’ll pay the bill
Meila             : Sure, Bulan.
Bulan              : Okay, here is the bill
Waitress  : It’s Rp. 115.000,-
Bulan              : Here it is
Waitress  : Thank you, this is one coupon. Collect it until ten coupons and you will free eat in here for one person
Bulan       : Thank you
Waitress  : You’re welcome
Bulan       : Hey guys!
Andi        : Hi!
Meila       : Do you get the coupon?
Bulan       : Yes, I do. I get one coupon, the waitress said I’ve to collect it until ten coupons and I’ll free to eat in here for one person
Andi        : That’s great! And thank you Bulan!
Meila       : Yes, Bulan. Thank you so much
Bulan       : You’re welcome guys!
Andi        : How if we go here again next time?
Meila       : Sure, but next time you’ll treat us Andi! Hehe
Andi        : Yes, Of course

The End